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Human Resources & Artificial Intelligence: Unleashing Potential in the Digital Age

What steps can HR leaders take to manage this rapid change effectively?


Join the Seattle CHO Group and fellow HR executives for an up-to-moment exploration of the synergy between Human Resources and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This dynamic session aims to provide members and guests a comprehensive understanding of how AI transforms HR, highlighting potential challenges and opportunities with this integration. Our expert panel, Katheryn Brekken, Ph.D., Senior Research Analyst at i4cp, and Erica Golden, MA, VP & Future of Work Strategist at Waldron-Torchiana, will commence the event by discussing the future of HR in the context of AI, followed by an interactive discussion. HR leaders can look forward to sharing current use cases, covering implementation processes, challenges faced, and outcomes achieved, and providing practical perspectives on the AI-HR interface.

Key Takeaways will include:

  • Recent findings from i4cp’s latest analysis on AI and HR implications and opportunities
  • How companies are successfully leveraging AI to maximize its benefits
  • What risks are emerging for those who delay taking action
  • Impacts on your talent/workforce, HR augmentation, policies, and governance

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